When Life Gives This LGBTQ+ Ginger Melons...
Dyslexia is a total jrek… but I’ve lived with it my whole life, and not to toot my own horn (though I absolutely am going too), I turned it into lemon aide. Full disclosure, I’ve grown to love writing because I get to face my biggest fear every. Single. Day. You could say I’m basically bungee-jumping off skyscrapers and snuggling up with spiders every time a brief lands on my desk… real daredevil stuff. And, fun fact, I concept like a smart-mouthed slightly sassy S.O.B., fueled by (hopefully) sharp insights.
Congrats on making it this far! Your reward? The password to check out my Disney work and my “WOULD Pile” is Austin.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I also dabble in photography, Adobe, and, naturally, glassblowing (because who doesn’t?).
Love what you read? Hate it with a passion? Either way, let’s talk shop.
Email: Writesprague@gmail.com
Phone: (706) 550-3202